Welcome to First Christian Church. We are glad you have taken the time to visit our website and learn more about us. We know that people come to church for a variety of reasons, and that’s why it is important to us that you feel welcomed, inspired, even challenged as we meet together.

One of the values of our church is to be a place that is intentionally sensitive to the questions and concerns of people who may not be familiar with the practices or beliefs of the Christian Faith. If you have any questions regarding what we do, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Shortly after Myron Wells arrived as Senior Pastor in August 2011 he asked the church to prayerfully consider hiring a young pastor with a heart to reach the youth in Yucca Valley. After much prayer and consideration God brought Mark Thometz to us to be that pastor in June of 2012. Since that time Mark and his wife Alexa have faithfully served the Lord and this church. After Myron retired and moved into an Associate Pastor role at the church, Mark took over as Lead Pastor in March of 2015. He graduated from Boise Bible College with an Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry/Preaching. Mark has always had a heart for the lost and hurting in this world and continues to seek out ways to share the message of hope and forgiveness in new and compelling ways. God has blessed Mark with a gift to preach powerfully the Word of God and both he and Alexa emulate God’s love to all people.

Mark’s influential sermons are rooted in Biblical truth and delivered with easy to understand language and humor. Alexa has served as the Worship Leader since their arrival and leads the congregation in powerful worship week after week. If you are looking for a Jesus based church of love, mercy, grace and willingness to accept anyone and a Pastor who will lead by example and lovingly welcome all, we invite you to worship with us and see for yourself the powerful things God is doing at this church.

“I hope that all who come to our church will experience Christ’s love in new and profound ways. We are a church that is open and honest with all, willing to answer any question you might have about God, the Bible and what it means to accept Christ.”

May God bless you abundantly,
Pastor Mark Thometz